Sunday, February 7, 2010

Pop Culture

Over the course of a few days I tracked my pop culture exposure as assigned in my humanities class by our instructor. Since I live in a small town in northern Arizona and am working on either homework, or my yard I had too really be observant of my exposure, and here are a few pop culture experience I noticed.

• The radio, both music and talk.
• Phone Texting (Still kinda new too me).
• The World Wide Web, way too much time spent there.
• A stupid changing billboard that you can never read from the highway.
• Walking thru the mall. When did it become cool to wear a dog collar?
• Some TV. With way too many adds about things to waste your money on.

I am sure there must be more! But our culture is so imbedded with Pop culture crap that I am quite numb to it. Attached in a video, a version of culture entitled “The Pledge of Allegiance”. It is not popular; as a matter of fact it is quite irrelevant in today’s culture and by no means POP, but still culture.


  1. Good job on your Blog, Bryant!...Oh, and excellent photos of your dogs!

  2. Well thank you SaraLou, and I dig the fish... Except they keep chasing my couser as if they want somthing from me?

  3. Did you notice that when Skelton learned the Pledge of Allegiance, the words "under God" had not yet been added to the pledge?
